Pleasant Activities List (Quarantine Edition) 

One common therapy technique utilized in DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) involves looking at a pleasant activities sheet and engaging in activities that provide a sense of happiness, relief and distraction from your current situation. While in quarantine, some of those activities are difficult or impossible to do without putting yourself or others at risk. I have created a list of “quarantine approved” list of pleasant activities. Please share others that have worked for you! 

You can also create an “urge jar.” Find a jar or container that is big enough to fit small sheets of paper. You can decorate the jar/box in anyway; be creative! Write down all of the things you enjoy doing and put them in a jar. When you are feeling upset or have an urge to use substance, engage in self-harmful behavior, etc, pick one of the items from the jar to do!

o Watch a Disney movie

o FaceTime/zoom with someone you love

o Bake/cook 

o Take a drive/bike ride/walk

o Dance to your favorite music or song

o Learn a new language

o Read (fiction, nonfiction, comic, etc)

o Listen to an audio book/podcast

o Watch your favorite tv show 

o Paint your nails

o Do a face mask

o Change into new clothes

o Do your hair (curl, strengthen, wash) 

o Take a shower/bath

o Sudoku/mind puzzles

o Clean/organize your closet, kitchen, bedroom, etc

o Take a virtual vacation - 7 wonders of the world 

o Take a virtual exercise class here

o Plan a virtual zoom party

o Write a song/poem

o Play video games

o Write a gratitude list

o Start a scrapbook 

o Draw/ paint/ color

o Do your laundry 

o Eat a healthy meal

o Take a nap

o Drink water

o Look through old pictures

o Rearrange your closet

o Donate/sell clothes or items you no longer use or need

o “At home” virtual tours 

o Try meditating (phone apps such as headspace, calm, insight timer typically have free or low cost meditations)

o Plant a garden or flowers

o Learn something new! (Coursera and Edx offer free online classes)

o Be kind to yourself

o Ask friends or family to share some the positive qualities they see in you. 

o Develop a list of personal/professional goals for yourself

o “Smile”- try to physically smile and see how that changes your mood

To learn more techniques to help you survive the pandemic, schedule a free 15 minute consultation for online therapy Michigan by visiting We specialize in DBT therapy Michigan, trauma therapy, therapy for self harm and PTSD treatment.


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