Therapist vs. Friend? What is the difference?

Do you need more friends or online therapy in Michigan? Have you ever wondered why you should see an online therapist in Michigan when you have great friends and supportive family that you can trust?

There are many differences between a trained therapist and trusted friends/family. It is encouraged that those who seek mental health or addiction counseling also create a strong social network. A therapist is not a replacement for other supports in your life. Therapists are trained to listen with a nonjudgmental and unbiased lens with the intention of supporting you rather than giving advice.

When seeking counseling, these are a few things that therapists can assist you with: 

·      Receiving honest, unbiased feedback

·      Feeling challenged in a nonjudgment and supportive way

·      Feeling safe to disclose challenging truths 

·      Feeling seen, heard and validated.

·      Learning new strategies to cope.

·      Keeping everything that you say confidential. 

·      Helping you find your own answers. 

·      Gaining new insight and information when needed.

·      Providing a space to process feelings without judgement.

·      Providing a space to talk aloud about things you may need clarity on.

·      Providing a space where you don’t feel pressured to do anything that goes against your values.


If you have any questions about online therapy Michigan and how to find the right therapist for you visit 


How to Find an Online Therapist in Michigan


Mental Health Apps